Our Town 

Click on links for
local updates

Check back often and click on the links to see whats going on.

See more of the theater and our community on the Crystal Box Office YouTube Channel.  https://www.youtube.com/@114SouthMainStreet/videos

Making the handcrafted old fashion soda for the theater.

The Crystal Lake Community Church offers a food bank. The church provides food for those in need. This event is scheduled during the second Tuesday of every month from 1pm to 3pm.
Special Thanks to those companies who have helped keep the theater up and running.
Crystal Clear Water
950 Crystal Road

Crystal, MI 48818 USA



122 W. Lake St.
Crystal , MI 48818 USA


Gage Electric

Address120 E Walnut St, Carson City, MI 48811

And special thanks to Roger Gooding Jr who has bailed us out of a jam several times.
Crystal Downtown Development Assoc – https://www.facebook.com/crystaldda/
Crystal Township Historical Society – https://www.facebook.com/CrystalTownshipHistoricalSociety/
Chamber of Commerce Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/CrystalAreaChamber/
Crystal Lake Association – http://www.crystalonline.org/
Crystal Township Fire Department – https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064762211319
Crystal Township Lions Club – https://www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/crystalmi/
CMS (Internet Provider) – https://www.cmsinter.net/
Oliver’s Pizza Planet – https://www.oliverspizzaplanet.com/
Blanchard’s Thriftway (Grocery Store) – http://www.blanchardsthriftway.com/